You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

'can na popa wi

A NASA study found that 2004 was the fourth-warmest year on record. Scientists at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service told of being forced to cover up their findings regarding risks to endangered species. Forty-two percent said they feared retaliation if they told the truth.
Science bad, faith good, right? These whistle blowing types obviously are just not faithful enough to accept the pronouncements of the man who has the appointed role some god gave him to rule the world. How dare they questions his commitment to faith and to divine provenance. Greenhouse gas expansion, extinction of species, increased toxicity of the environment--these are all part of the "plan" of Rove's minions god. Fortunately the Episcopal church of England, and the National Evangelical Association have decided that Creation Care is vastly more important than the apparent choice of some to believe god told them it was all about money.

The election results in Iraq were announced. Several parties gained seats in the newly created Iraqi parliament, including the United Iraqi Alliance, the Kurdistan Alliance, the Iraqi List, "Iraqis," the Turkmen Iraqi Front, National Independent Elites and Cadres Party, the Communist Party, the Islamic Kurdish Society, the Islamic Labor Movement in Iraq, the National Democratic Alliance, National Rafidain List, and the Reconciliation and Liberation Entity.
So the US sponsors a democratic election that elects communists. As if that is going to happen. "Elites and Cadres" sounds pretty damn socialist to me. These are great names for various interests who have agendas that are profoundly anti-US. And yet, the Reich wing of Rove's minions presents all this as good. Strange possibilities once you consider the ramifications of it all.

A report showed that, between April and September 2001, the Federal Aviation Administration received fifty-two reports about Al Qaeda's plans to hijack airplanes.
Ponder this a moment. So many specific reports linked to US intelligence agencies. Is is logical and rational to believe that these reports were not understood for what they were intended to mean. The intelligence agencies were crying wolf, wolf, wolf, wolf, wolf. Why? Well if you or i were going to use planes to destroy symbolic buildings in order to create a fascist dictatorship police state of the US, we would want the FAA to feel that yet another stupid warning is being broadcast. Then they ignore all the signs until it actually happens. How do we know the Saudi's took over the three planes w/ box cutters? WE believe our government telling us that?? i don't think so.