You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
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Friday, February 11, 2005

Quin Shea speaking to coal industrialists...

Nowhere, nowhere in the deepest recesses of our gray matter did it ever occur to us that
we could so warp the new source review program to do what was done in roughly 1998.
This is going to change in the next few months. I guarantee it.
Mercury. All right. Also on a substantive matter, we've talked about Kyoto a lot. That's
been out there. It's the big boogie man in the last few years. Kyoto is dead. Kyoto is
absolutely dead. It's not going to happen. We're taking steps right now to reverse every
piece of paper that EPA has put together where they could call CO2 a pollutant under
the Clean Air Act. That's going to be nailed down in the next few months.
Internationally, the U.S. is not going to work on Kyoto. It is dead. For those of you, not
you specifically, but for those who want to continue to beat that dead horse, let me tell
you right now, there will be no equine resurrection here. Now, having said that,
mercury, in my opinion, is very Kyoto-like in its potential impacts. Mercury to me is
the issue that scares me the most of the ones that are out there right now.