You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Friday, February 18, 2005

to ka ho? wa yan ka! he `cu sni yo!

Using blogger the last few days has not been easy nor accessible. This is unfortunate given the pressing nature of the civil and social climate permeating the US at this time. Not being able to post daily is frustrating in the least.

Look, it is really getting to be simple to see how the polarization of our nation is being used by the Rove reich to create legislation that will destroy all that is good and valuable with US constitutional governance. Piece by piece, bill by bill we are seeing the structural foundation of an intolerant fascist state forming. This state will be ruled by martial law, a police state framed by technologies and private contracted security forces that are free to ignore any and all protections for citizens formerly found in the US constitution. The attacks on free speech and intellectual freedom are escalating. The reduction of all media to the orwellian mindspeak of Rove's minions, coupled with the increase in character assassinations and removal of dissenting voices, are part and parcel of this regime's coup d'etat.

We don't have to read too deeply into the pieces of legislation proposed across the nation, as well as in D.C. to understand that the intentionally impoverishment of the mass of the population is part of the overall plan to remake this nation in the image of the worst developing totalitarian states out there today. Indonesia, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc--these are the models of this administration. They are creating a christian only nation, disenfranchising and impoverishing all of those who are not one with them. Pockets of highly polluted and toxic environments will expand around the poor, as health care is removed thus increasing the death of dissenters and those who might voice opposition. Remember we are talking the US here, not some Sudan or Thailand, or Lebanon. Iraq is just a practice for the big one.

Coming soon, conscription near you! Imagine sending people who are bankrupt to the DU toxified war zones of the middle east. You are poor, you are struggling, you are drafted. No age requirements, no gender discrimination. Just being poor constitutes your selective criteria. This not a joke. This will happen. Those that refuse will be imprisoned and eventually lose their citizenship. Then they will be shipped over there anyway. Rove et al have studied the mistakes of the great totalitarian leaders in history. They have studied the successes of Israel's Ziionist manifestos and Indonesia's military regimes while learning from the erosion of power among folks like Pinochet and the Saudi royal family. WE are next. WE are being prepared to become the world's most efficient, technologically superior, dominant fascist state. There will be no turning back once the course is not only set but driven with the engines of faith, corporate greed, and military might. No one dare stand in our way, as we will have no compulsions whatsoever to resist using nuclear weapons and other horrible WMD's.

WE must be aware, attentive, freee to fight this at every turn. If not we are culpable in destroying the earth as we know it.