You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Mihi ignosce.

Many people have suggested that this was due to the belief that the United States was either on the brink of becoming or actually has turned into a fascist state. For persons laboring under such overheated imaginings, it is only necessary to refer them to any of the many available texts describing what real fascism brought to their respective populations. There do not exist routine, widespread assassinations in this country; there are not camps where political and social deviants are routinely rounded up, detained, and ultimately killed; there is not the universal suppression of opposition voices and views in print, on the internet, and via other means. It is time for persons who seriously subscribe to the belief that we live in a fascist country to do some intensive reading…or get medical help. Such obviously overstated and even delusional views have led to correspondingly deluded political conclusions…in the case of the recent campaign, to the support of the “antifascist” corporate hucksters of the Democratic Party.

Poor Dan Rafael. He has to resort to typical neo-con rovian reich wing logic to deconstruct a position that was personally detrimental to him. If we stick to his own phrase "brink of becoming.. a fascist state" then we see that his argument is already moot. His subsequent claims to "overheated imaginings" and necessity to refer to "available texts" illuminates the complete failure of his rhetorical devise. Are we to suppose that there were no beginning steps towards fascism in those states? If Dan had actually done the reading he demeaningly proports others to do, he would be forced to acknowledge that all of the pre-conditions have been met. This is another of those lamest ignorant rants by poor losers. OOoh the Green Party deserves your votes. WEll not this way.