You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Saturday, February 19, 2005

cultural tourette's

that is the best way to describe the media in this country, suffering from a dysfunctional constant repetition of the same stories over and over. the lies they spew, sometimes foreced, sometimes of their own volition, compound upon themselves over and over. the tics of the punditocracy, the spasms of the nightly news anchors--these are the symptions of mental illness. our society is ill, it needs healing. we are suffering from leadership that is truly insane. They are egomaniacal socio- paths who have not one nano-bit of compassion and moral consciousness. The future of this nation is at a threshhold point, literally balanced on a precipace of no return, from a fascist ideological xenophobic militarized police state. As soon as the economy starts tipping over its own bottomless cliff, the war for the spirit and soul of the US will begin. WE must not flinch from the battle.