You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Friday, February 24, 2006

eau d' hypocrisy dans le toilette

You know Ann Coulter says the most outrageous thinking, calling directly for the death of various people, especially any and all to her left, the further to her left, the more nasty and deadly the wish. I recently made a slip of an innuendo regarding a wish about what a shame it was that a convicted bomber couldn't make one of his special treats for someone on the far far right. That person and associates were outraged and shocked that i would have suggested such a thing. While it was in jest, jests being what they are, there is always a hint of wistful thought, and so i withdrew the hastily written offense. But

Interestingly, i decided to do a full Google search to see if this person had ever condemned Coulter for her despicable and vile threats on all manner of people. The only common link i could find was quite the opposite. You see Coulter has praised the Federalist Society and all the lawyers to rise up to support that vision of property over humans, corporate wealth and largesse above liberties for all. And here in this link was her praise and a discussion of how wonderful and well received the aggreived party was to Federalist Society event. Well, just goes to show, one person's insult is another's deepest desire but not vice versa. Someone i deeply respect, for his writing and for his efforts to reaffirm our liberties and rights, but who was offended by my comment about his friend posted this today:
"I hope you die a long, slow, painful death filled with much wailing and gnashing of teeth. And then I hope people show up at your funeral with protest signs identifying you as the vile, disgusting human being that you are. And that I will call justice."
Coming up later: just what it is that is worth dying for, and all that is worth fighting to the death for too.
(yes i know dangling prepositions but check the MLA if you don't like it)

UPDATE: the he who shall not be named, but whose proper name is a character name for a VIP who warns about a dangerous vile rabbit in the Holy Grail, as well as a simply too much fun role in South Park, wrote this today:
*–I am not referring to Kuznicki here, but to the genuine traitors of the Michael Moore variety or to the puffed-up pseudo-intellectual buffoons of the Gary Wills variety.
He seems to suggest that there is some distinction to be made between real and unreal traitors but traitors just the same. And traitors are subjected to capital punishment, the death penalty, and one can only surmise that he wishes death upon those of the Michael Moore variety. Evidently the Gary Wills varieties are relegated to the dominion of torture and extraordinary rendition, to de-puff their balloons, or so sayeth the buffoon.

time for something positive, fun, and important

One of the simplest and easiest things to do at this point in time, to garner grassroots and community attention to the critical issues facing this nation, is to encourage your local city and county (town and parish, village and unincorporated associations) to pass a resolution that re-ratifies the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment. Certainly such a resolution has no binding effect on law to speak of, and it will not provide actual protections against the incursions and erosions of our Constitutional rights, but such action will spark discussion and discourse throughout the community. We began this process in late 2001--yes in California-- at the local city level and then county level. The effort spread some around the state and along the west coast. But with the 2002 and 2004 elections most of these resolutions got lost and forgotten, and the impetus to spread the message was lost.

We need to reinvigorate it now. Demand your local elected officials stand up for the Constitution. Demand that the law enforcement and judicial system employees recognize that these are the basic fundamental rights we as citizens in this country retain and that must be honored and respected. Demand that your state also make such an effort. If nothing else, you can get a clearer picture of just who is willing to come forth and suggest that your rights might not be as important as others. Engage the system and ask for support. Imagine getting a councilman or supervisor to state in public that s/he will not support this resolution, even if the only statement is a "no" vote. That is powerful constitutional awareness.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

new local commercial has interesting thesis

During the Olympics coverage, a local furniture store paid to cover some of the local programming for which i am appreciative. I get to watch lots of curling and hockey instead of reruns of syndicated useless dramas.

For the women's skating program this furniture store ran a new ad, and it was really quite something. A mid-twenty something african-american woman, in a pink sweater and tan slacks is standing against a blue screen projection of various furnishings. As the screen changes images, the woman says: "Our freedom of choice is one of our most important rights. It is a right we need to exercise. So to celebrate this President's birthday, exercise your right of choice and come down to our store nearest you and choose a new dinette set."

Our right of choice? Wow. Am i mistaken or is the very language 'right of choice' taken directly from the rhetoric of the abortion rights people? Is this store, and its management, suggesting to the viewers that it honors and celebrate the right of choice as an inclusionary one, that accepts and tolerates others. Linking right of choice, black history month, tolerance, the Constitution, and the President all in one 30 second spot, is really an amazing effort on the part of a local company. I might actually have to go in the store and thank them.

let's just sell the US to the friendliest bidder

WASHINGTON - President Bush was unaware of the pending sale of shipping operations at six major U.S. seaports to a state-owned business in the United Arab Emirates until the deal already had been approved by his administration, the White House said Wednesday. Defending the deal anew, the administration also said that it should have briefed Congress sooner about the transaction, which has triggered a major political backlash among both Republicans and Democrats.
Wow, coupled with admissions from Rumsfeld and Joint Chiefs' Chief Pace, that they too didn't know about it, one begins to wonder where the truth lies in all of this. Is this really a huge Cheney/Rice deal set up and put in place under the smoke of a shooting incident?? Clearly the efforts to maintain the kissing-ass attitude towards middle east oil shieks represent the desperation the neo-feudal lords of capital in the US are feeling about the economy. We have trade deals w/ these folks, trying to sustain their investment in US dollars rather than seeking Bourse interests in Euros and Yuan. When the trade deals aren't sufficient we just sell out lock, stock, and barrel, forcing in a sense the dollar issue: if you run our ports you have to accept dollars not Euros. Then those who gained from the sales can immediately transfer their USD for Euros or Yuan. Makes perfect sense, but still, who did it?? Why weren't all these members of the administration cognizant? Well, why aren't they admitting it?

Obviously this puts a whole new spin on 9/11 and the bin Laden family, Saudi royal family, escape from the US whilst our adminstration stumbles into trying to explain its apparent complicity in encouraging the Saudi attackers to take down the WTC. If they were seriously concerned about terrorism it is unthinkable that they would then turn the most insecure portions of the US borders over to the very people who helped fund the attacks in the first place. Are we to believe that the US military is now just a pawn of middle east and chinese funders, those who own huge portions of our T-bills, now "own" our military as their private security forces? Are we to consider that the economic situation is so desperate that the threat of the Bourse requires us to sell out our national interests as quickly as possible? There certainly is more to this than is being openly discussed.

Friday, February 17, 2006

this week in history--raptus regaliter

The US Senate Republican leadership has signed on to completely support the imposition of the military-security state on the citizens of the US. They have conspired, openly and smugly, with the bushco administration, to quash investigations of the administation's unconstitutional and illegal activities as well as to increase these same unconstitutional and illegal actions with Senate approval. This week saw Pat "there is no christian theocratic dictatorship i don't like" Roberts singled handedly, on the advice and counsel of the criminally negligent dickhead Cheney, chose to ignore the warrantless spying activities, and to suggest that everything is just fine with removing any and all US Constitutional impediments to forming the dictatorship. The GOP Senate has gone further in choosing to prolong the Patriot Act. The GOP Senate plans to approve more billions for war and take away billions from the poor, while giving away even more billions to the rich.

This week is the definitive moment, lost in the here and now, that in decades to come, especially outside the US, will be seen as the "little Eichmann" moment for the Senate republicans. I will pass on to my grandchildren the names of these criminals, and the "i told you so" references and sources that show how in just this one week in history, the future of the US was altered. Tipped toward a totalitarianism that will leave the Constitution in the dustbin of history, the rich, white, militarily-endowed, corporate elites take control of the US economy and US Senate forming the basis of a neo-feudal state free from civil liberties and civil rights. I will pass on to my great grandchildren the reasons why they aren't citizens of the US, but rather of other american nations.

Just a note to say i told you so. I told you it was coming, and i am telling you it is here, and all the hope and faith that citizens once had for this country is gone. Shame on Cheney, Shame on Roberts, Shame on Frist, Shame on Stevens, Shame on Gonzales, Shame on Rice, Shame on Bush, but most of all Shame on all of those that support this atrocity.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

zanika waptaye tipihe

In the House was some of the sacred molecule. Well in the script House took some LSD to therapeutically treat a migraine; based on a great deal of well documented scientific research that indeed LSD reduces migraine thresholds. Now i am on record, all over the place, for my views that LSD is profound and useful and needs to be more positively portrayed in the MSM, especially entertainment medium. What i noticed about the acid scene in the show was that the director, or screen writer, or both, knew what LSD really was like visually. The visual and auditory hallucinations shown revealed a level of familiarity that could only come from personal knowledge and experience. No one without that background could have developed the "aftertrails" and the morphing colored drop patterns as were done in this. The very notion of "seeing the music" was well done. Why is this important? Because so much of the media bends and distorts and twists the concepts and constructs of entheogen usage to convey negative agendas, and especially less than a month after Criminal Minds absolutely deceived its audience about LSD, this episode of House was hugely surprising and very positive. No one could have expected it, or asked for and received it. That is just synchronicitously happened in this way is very "sweet."

"i found it amusing though that he dropped acid and then took a bunch of anti-depressants; i liked the song they played too when he was hallucinating. (Get Miles by Gomez)" from a fan of the show in their blog...

another fan wrote: "This episode was great and amazing as usual. I loved House's acid trip, but couldn't Cameron have left him to hallucinate by himself?!"

Sunday, February 12, 2006

hey hey now we're the monkees..

There is some strange evil lurking in the new corporate advertisements on TV (and at most multiplex theaters near you). Consider these three: the "it" of Ebay, the "go yellow" GM, and the Chevy on every mountaintop playing the Olympic theme on their horns. I'll start with that last one.

We have a visual portrait of the great beauty of nature, vast mountainscapes, water moving, fields of virgin snow, interrupted by a Chevy parked on top of this or that promintory. Now picture the Chevy/GM board of directors watching the presentation by the ad agency as they present this piece. Laughing they fully understand the implications of the not-so-subtle messages. The US National Park Service and Department of Interior is currently considering proposals for allowing more, and greater (into what was thought to be protected wildernesses) access to our nation's national parks by vehicles. Chevy wants us to believe that their product best represents this access. They also want us to believe that fuel guzzling SUV's and other trucks are just what we need to enjoy the opportunities of nature. Afterall, if citizens of the US don't immediately drive into these areas, they won't be able to fully experience the remaining snowfields and glaciers that are receding at the greatest rate known in 600,000 years. And of course we never are expected to walk or hike, just drive to these peaks, thus we need to build more roads and vehicle access. That requires more trucks to haul the materials; a GM product promotion hidden in a GM product promotion??

There are so many things wrong with the GM corn campaign that it is only being snarky to suggest that saying the "GM corn campaign" says more that we ever should possibly know. But is it too much to ask that an automobile company promoting ArcherDanielMidlands products in order to keep selling vehicles that will never be efficient in use of fuel, might consider the ramifications of this idiocy. Or is it really the link to ExxonMobil and thus BP the major refiner of fuel ethanols from ADM corn syrup products derived from Monsanto GE(gmo) corn that is polluting the planet, that sets this up. Or maybe the Conoco/Phillips refineries with Dow that are linked in the need to produce more corn and thus sell more chemical fertilizers and herbicides and pesticides all based on fossil fuels? But that isn't even the piece that bothers me the most. No, what i immediately question is the intentional focus on corn and not on hemp as the alternative fuel source of the future. Hemp is a hugely efficient plant, able to grow in a greater diversity of climatic zones (and thus able to be successful quickly in global climate changing environs) with minimal additional resources including: less water, less fertilizers, less pesticides, and zero herbicides (it is a weed after all). Monsanto and Dow ended the use of hemp in the US back in the 30's by using their enhanced economic clout (they increased their assets during the depression) to promote nylon at the expense of a weed that grew everywhere. We have that continued war on some plants on exhibit in this latest nefarious advertising campaign.

The very notion that eBay has to advertise at all seems pretty nuts to me. What is it that they do? Oh yeah, provide a service that essentially is open access to some servers upon which some priority software runs. They own some vehicles, hire monitors for online activities, and collect a percentage from every transaction. Thus the sole and only purpose of advertising at this point is to expend corporate income to reduce their net pre-taxable income to thus increase their post-tax profits. If you don't get the scam, just recognize the elements within it for that they are. EBay wants you to acknowledge that they now own "it" as their corporate trademarked message. Only the most insidious of consumer capitalists would argue that controlling the semiotic "it" is good for business. Do you get it?? Or am i violating eBay's copyright? What is it? Well actually it is nothing except an idea and a really stupid Monkees song. And that is the point, that is it. Selling the idea of eBay to people who remember the monkees, and who can connect a jingle in their head to the word "it" to remember to buy and sell, or simply consume material products that serve no purpose other than to provide an increasingly smaller number of people with more money than they will ever use or need.

Monday, February 06, 2006

nasty and surly amurikan hypocrisy

Under the belly of the pretentious outrage of US civil libertarians and others who profess strong faith in free expression and outrage over the reaction of islamic extremists to a few cartoons (mostly not funny either), lies a bitter and ugly hypocrisy. Bushco released its new budget today, calling for increased spending for defense and offense around the world and here in the mother/father land. It is this use of force, the daily slaughter around the planet of people for the purpose of preserving the sanctity and religious orthodoxy of capitalism and economic security that provides the opportunity for citizens here to condemn, and indeed threaten violence against, the islamicists.

Can we really keep these two issues separated? The US is threatening to kill thousands upon thousands of Iranians, mostly muslems led by a minority of deep passionate fundamental faith, in order to insure that US dollars are the only currency used to purchase oil, and to protect and keep from harm the faith of jews. How is it any other way?? Iran may or may not become a threat to Israel, while Israel is clearly a constant threat to, and perpetrator of horrendous violence against, islam regardless of one's commitment to the faith. To read a cross-section of the US political spectrum condemn and denounce the reaction of Islamic groups to the cartoons in Denmark/Holland, one would think that there exists no other threat in the world than that posed by these too oft called "terrorists?" This is not the case. The gravest and deepest threat to the world is the US, in desperate and hideous selfish-motivated wrath, bombing the planet, and threatening nations on every continent with imminent violence, not for righteous protection of christianity (although i suspect a great deal of fundi-gelicals think that way), but for the economy. We kill people indiscriminantly in order to terrorize them into supporting our demands for their resources and support of our dollars.

The very same people who suggest, with all due justifications, that violently protesting the expression of free speech and press is wrong and an evil perpetrated by terrorists, never once consider that the US engages in this behavior as a nation each and every day, and has done so for decades. I guess it is okay as long as you are a citizen of this country.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

anticapitalist reactionaries!

Little Timmy Sandefur, over at Positive Liberty thinks he is insulting people like me with this tiny piece he posted yesterday:
Well, i am not one bit insulted, nor do i find the quotes offered as evidence representative of views that are ill-advised or wrongheaded. I do however prefer to be referred to as an anti-capitalist radical anarchist.

And i have always been critical of the Unabomber, but not in the ways most people think. Political and socially just assassinations have proven throughout history to be very effective. Indeed our own government loves to do it, and when they aren't quite as successful as they would have liked, they simply disappear people into rendition gulags and perpetual detention. Thus, when the Unabomber had the opportunity to take down threats to the health and welfare of the Earth, to reduce the danger to thousands of species that have since become extinct since his mini-reign of booms, he screwed up. He was a miserable failure. For fucking christ's sake, a few off-radar/off -screen researchers and one lobbyist were targeted, and only one was killed? What an unacceptable waste of some beautiful, high-quality craftsmanship. Given the agenda, and the manifesto is an outline of a very well produced agenda, Ted needed to have lived up to his goals in powerful and provacative ways. Why take out a forest lobbyist when the gravest threat, at that time was Maxxim and SPI slaughtering the redwoods, headed by a greedy, planet-sucking freak? Why target a molecular biologist when Monsanto was creating strains of evil incarnate as GMF and GE suicide seeds, now destroying crops around the world??

God, to think that Al Gore is compared to such a failure of a radical visionary. Gore's failure was due to one of the most dangerous threats to the planet yet perpetrated, electronic election subversion, and a buddy system appointment. Where was Ted to rid us of W or Dick?? Three elections later, voter fraud rampant, a cabal of Opus Dei believing theocratic dictatorial nutcases running the US, and we are left with Timmy boy wanting to whine about the left. (see update)

UPDATE: When i wrote this piece i didn't of course read it before i posted. A person for whom i have the deepest respect, asked me to revisit it as it seems i had threatened a friend and associate of his. I didn't remember doing so, but lo there it was in the last line. For that i am most apologetic. I have removed the suggestion and thought, and i thank Ed Brayton for reminding me to be more tolerant, unlike those in the fundamentalist muslim world.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Enough is f~#king enough!!!

During the US Senate Intelligence committee's hearing yesterday we learned from the Committee Chairman Roberts:
"I am concerned that some of my Democrat colleagues used this unique public forum to make clear that they believe the gravest threat we face is not Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, but rather the president of the United States,"
He is absolutely correct in this assessment and is seriously, "gravely" wrong himself to think otherwise. The simplest basic math reveals the truth. To date, the US military deathtoll, in Afghanistan and Iraq, (and counting training deaths in US [at the Box, 29 Palms, Pendleton, Benning, etc] ), is over 3100 citizens. This exceeds the total number killed during the 9/11 attacks (including rescue workers, those aboard the planes, others on the ground killed by debris, etc.) by more than 100 at this point. In other words, Bushco has killed more US citizens than Osama. Pretty damn straight forward really. But that isn't all. Al Qaeda is not a threat to the US Constitution; neither they, nor Osama, created the Patriot Act, ordered every intelligence unit in the US (NSA, DoD, CIA, FBI, DSI, NCIS, ad infinitum) to spy on the US population, or detained without due cause or due process, citizens and foreign nationals, and so forth. Bushco did that, is doing that, will continue to do that. And Bushco will castigate, destroy, remove, slander, libel, and whatever else it can do to stop any US citizen who questions or challenges them.

Yes indeed, it is very prudent and wise to consider Bushco the larger, gravest threat we face as a citizenry. But the GOP wants all of us to believe that we need to turn our country over to the militarized security state first, then working together, those with privilege and money and property can begin to enjoy the freedoms of the original white, male, moneyed/propertyed classes who "framed" (more like dominated and controlled) this continent and new nation. Afterall what the f~#k do you think "originalism" really means to objectivist libertarians, Straussians, neo-cons, Randians, corporate capitalists, et al? And how does the GOP expect this to play out. Listen to Roberts some more:
Mr. Roberts and other Republicans said that the "most serious issue was the unauthorized leak of sensitive information on intelligence." "There is no doubt in my mind there are marching orders to the minority members of this committee to question and attack, at every opportunity, the president, the vice president, the secretary of state, attorney general and now members of our intelligence agencies."

Rumsfeld, at a news conference revealed on Thursday that "civilians in the United States are under surveillance in a program to protect military personnel and bases." The "counter- surveillance" program, in line with the Defense Department's responsibility to protect U.S. forces, is aimed at preventing civilians gathering sensitive information and taking pictures of security installations. "To do that, you obviously end up scooping up information, whether it is names or films or whatever to protect your base, and that information then comes into the databank," he said.
Listen to that as you read it out loud again. Here we have Rumsfeld and Roberts admitting that the most serious issues are not, in fact, Osama or Al Qaeda, but rather whistleblowers and protestors near US bases. People to dissent and people who try valiantly to uphold their Constitutional oaths, sworn to protect the rights that others seem now to no longer have, are the gravest and most dangerous threats to this nation. Put another way, in a way that actually makes sense, the most severe threat to this country is the group hallucination of Bushco that everyone, other than their closest friends, are out to get them. Indeed, those evil protestors, you know nuns and grannies and Quakers, are spying on our military bases and drinking with our troops, thus creating the most serious threats to national security. And only the Democrats have talking points that attack character and flaws, because only the GOP knows the truth, and only the GOP should ever know the truth.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Read My T-Shirt--Free the Constitution

The chief of the Capitol Police on Wednesday dropped a charge of unlawful conduct against anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan and apologized for ejecting her and the wife of an influential Republican congressman from the State of the Union address for wearing T-shirts with war messages.

``The officers made a good faith, but mistaken effort to enforce an old unwritten interpretation of the prohibitions about demonstrating in the Capitol. The policy and procedures were too vague,'' said Capitol Police Chief Terrance Gainer in a statement.

``The failure to adequately prepare the officers is mine,'' he said.

Oh Really? The policies and procedures for suspending basic first amendment rights to citizens of the US to express themselves, in even the subtlest and most indirect of ways, were too vague??? As in "we aren't sure how to describe limiting your basic civil liberties, because if we were specific we would be documenting an unconstitutional, and therefore illegal, action."

The consistency with which Bushco has been making at stripping the citizens of their expectations of having rights needs to be made much more alarming. There is nothing vague about this, nothing whatsoever. The very fact that this enforcement effort was carried out against the wife of a GOP Congressman, as well as a known anti-war protestor, speaks volumes for the commitment within the "fascist" leadership to imposing their imperial will upon the population. One would only hope that this would backfire, but i suspect that the public apologies and other asskissing of the enlarged, elephantine-buttocks of Hastert will blow sufficient smoke across the process to disguise its malicious evil.

I find it quite revealing when examining the links to which this concerted effort to sneak a militarized security police state under the layers of governance. Ultimately the problem is all about money; well actually it is about the difference between Euros and Dollars, and which nations continue to use which to purchase, among other things, oil and minerals. The overwhelming fear is that the exchange and switching of dollars for euros will not be completed in time by the wealthiest of US citizens, who were given billions upon billions of dollars by the government to purchase euros. BigOil and Big Pharma are doing everything in their power to exchange their currencies, as long with nearly all of the top 1/100th of 1% of the very rich. Why? Because the bulk of non-US controlled foreign oil will begin to be exchanged in euros on the Ides of March. China will convert yuans to euros dumping dollars, and the collapse of the US economy is imminent. Without the expectation within the US population, that banishing the Constitution will be the only logical way to insure safety and security for those who will be fighting to keep what they have against the millions upon millions of havenots, there is no way with which Bushco can keep control and complete the transfers of their own constituents wealth.