Interestingly, i decided to do a full Google search to see if this person had ever condemned Coulter for her despicable and vile threats on all manner of people. The only common link i could find was quite the opposite. You see Coulter has praised the Federalist Society and all the lawyers to rise up to support that vision of property over humans, corporate wealth and largesse above liberties for all. And here in this link was her praise and a discussion of how wonderful and well received the aggreived party was to Federalist Society event. Well, just goes to show, one person's insult is another's deepest desire but not vice versa. Someone i deeply respect, for his writing and for his efforts to reaffirm our liberties and rights, but who was offended by my comment about his friend posted this today:
"I hope you die a long, slow, painful death filled with much wailing and gnashing of teeth. And then I hope people show up at your funeral with protest signs identifying you as the vile, disgusting human being that you are. And that I will call justice."Coming up later: just what it is that is worth dying for, and all that is worth fighting to the death for too.
(yes i know dangling prepositions but check the MLA if you don't like it)
UPDATE: the he who shall not be named, but whose proper name is a character name for a VIP who warns about a dangerous vile rabbit in the Holy Grail, as well as a simply too much fun role in South Park, wrote this today:
*–I am not referring to Kuznicki here, but to the genuine traitors of the Michael Moore variety or to the puffed-up pseudo-intellectual buffoons of the Gary Wills variety.He seems to suggest that there is some distinction to be made between real and unreal traitors but traitors just the same. And traitors are subjected to capital punishment, the death penalty, and one can only surmise that he wishes death upon those of the Michael Moore variety. Evidently the Gary Wills varieties are relegated to the dominion of torture and extraordinary rendition, to de-puff their balloons, or so sayeth the buffoon.