You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Thursday, February 16, 2006

zanika waptaye tipihe

In the House was some of the sacred molecule. Well in the script House took some LSD to therapeutically treat a migraine; based on a great deal of well documented scientific research that indeed LSD reduces migraine thresholds. Now i am on record, all over the place, for my views that LSD is profound and useful and needs to be more positively portrayed in the MSM, especially entertainment medium. What i noticed about the acid scene in the show was that the director, or screen writer, or both, knew what LSD really was like visually. The visual and auditory hallucinations shown revealed a level of familiarity that could only come from personal knowledge and experience. No one without that background could have developed the "aftertrails" and the morphing colored drop patterns as were done in this. The very notion of "seeing the music" was well done. Why is this important? Because so much of the media bends and distorts and twists the concepts and constructs of entheogen usage to convey negative agendas, and especially less than a month after Criminal Minds absolutely deceived its audience about LSD, this episode of House was hugely surprising and very positive. No one could have expected it, or asked for and received it. That is just synchronicitously happened in this way is very "sweet."

"i found it amusing though that he dropped acid and then took a bunch of anti-depressants; i liked the song they played too when he was hallucinating. (Get Miles by Gomez)" from a fan of the show in their blog...

another fan wrote: "This episode was great and amazing as usual. I loved House's acid trip, but couldn't Cameron have left him to hallucinate by himself?!"