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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

let's just sell the US to the friendliest bidder

WASHINGTON - President Bush was unaware of the pending sale of shipping operations at six major U.S. seaports to a state-owned business in the United Arab Emirates until the deal already had been approved by his administration, the White House said Wednesday. Defending the deal anew, the administration also said that it should have briefed Congress sooner about the transaction, which has triggered a major political backlash among both Republicans and Democrats.
Wow, coupled with admissions from Rumsfeld and Joint Chiefs' Chief Pace, that they too didn't know about it, one begins to wonder where the truth lies in all of this. Is this really a huge Cheney/Rice deal set up and put in place under the smoke of a shooting incident?? Clearly the efforts to maintain the kissing-ass attitude towards middle east oil shieks represent the desperation the neo-feudal lords of capital in the US are feeling about the economy. We have trade deals w/ these folks, trying to sustain their investment in US dollars rather than seeking Bourse interests in Euros and Yuan. When the trade deals aren't sufficient we just sell out lock, stock, and barrel, forcing in a sense the dollar issue: if you run our ports you have to accept dollars not Euros. Then those who gained from the sales can immediately transfer their USD for Euros or Yuan. Makes perfect sense, but still, who did it?? Why weren't all these members of the administration cognizant? Well, why aren't they admitting it?

Obviously this puts a whole new spin on 9/11 and the bin Laden family, Saudi royal family, escape from the US whilst our adminstration stumbles into trying to explain its apparent complicity in encouraging the Saudi attackers to take down the WTC. If they were seriously concerned about terrorism it is unthinkable that they would then turn the most insecure portions of the US borders over to the very people who helped fund the attacks in the first place. Are we to believe that the US military is now just a pawn of middle east and chinese funders, those who own huge portions of our T-bills, now "own" our military as their private security forces? Are we to consider that the economic situation is so desperate that the threat of the Bourse requires us to sell out our national interests as quickly as possible? There certainly is more to this than is being openly discussed.