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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Read My T-Shirt--Free the Constitution

The chief of the Capitol Police on Wednesday dropped a charge of unlawful conduct against anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan and apologized for ejecting her and the wife of an influential Republican congressman from the State of the Union address for wearing T-shirts with war messages.

``The officers made a good faith, but mistaken effort to enforce an old unwritten interpretation of the prohibitions about demonstrating in the Capitol. The policy and procedures were too vague,'' said Capitol Police Chief Terrance Gainer in a statement.

``The failure to adequately prepare the officers is mine,'' he said.

Oh Really? The policies and procedures for suspending basic first amendment rights to citizens of the US to express themselves, in even the subtlest and most indirect of ways, were too vague??? As in "we aren't sure how to describe limiting your basic civil liberties, because if we were specific we would be documenting an unconstitutional, and therefore illegal, action."

The consistency with which Bushco has been making at stripping the citizens of their expectations of having rights needs to be made much more alarming. There is nothing vague about this, nothing whatsoever. The very fact that this enforcement effort was carried out against the wife of a GOP Congressman, as well as a known anti-war protestor, speaks volumes for the commitment within the "fascist" leadership to imposing their imperial will upon the population. One would only hope that this would backfire, but i suspect that the public apologies and other asskissing of the enlarged, elephantine-buttocks of Hastert will blow sufficient smoke across the process to disguise its malicious evil.

I find it quite revealing when examining the links to which this concerted effort to sneak a militarized security police state under the layers of governance. Ultimately the problem is all about money; well actually it is about the difference between Euros and Dollars, and which nations continue to use which to purchase, among other things, oil and minerals. The overwhelming fear is that the exchange and switching of dollars for euros will not be completed in time by the wealthiest of US citizens, who were given billions upon billions of dollars by the government to purchase euros. BigOil and Big Pharma are doing everything in their power to exchange their currencies, as long with nearly all of the top 1/100th of 1% of the very rich. Why? Because the bulk of non-US controlled foreign oil will begin to be exchanged in euros on the Ides of March. China will convert yuans to euros dumping dollars, and the collapse of the US economy is imminent. Without the expectation within the US population, that banishing the Constitution will be the only logical way to insure safety and security for those who will be fighting to keep what they have against the millions upon millions of havenots, there is no way with which Bushco can keep control and complete the transfers of their own constituents wealth.