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Monday, February 06, 2006

nasty and surly amurikan hypocrisy

Under the belly of the pretentious outrage of US civil libertarians and others who profess strong faith in free expression and outrage over the reaction of islamic extremists to a few cartoons (mostly not funny either), lies a bitter and ugly hypocrisy. Bushco released its new budget today, calling for increased spending for defense and offense around the world and here in the mother/father land. It is this use of force, the daily slaughter around the planet of people for the purpose of preserving the sanctity and religious orthodoxy of capitalism and economic security that provides the opportunity for citizens here to condemn, and indeed threaten violence against, the islamicists.

Can we really keep these two issues separated? The US is threatening to kill thousands upon thousands of Iranians, mostly muslems led by a minority of deep passionate fundamental faith, in order to insure that US dollars are the only currency used to purchase oil, and to protect and keep from harm the faith of jews. How is it any other way?? Iran may or may not become a threat to Israel, while Israel is clearly a constant threat to, and perpetrator of horrendous violence against, islam regardless of one's commitment to the faith. To read a cross-section of the US political spectrum condemn and denounce the reaction of Islamic groups to the cartoons in Denmark/Holland, one would think that there exists no other threat in the world than that posed by these too oft called "terrorists?" This is not the case. The gravest and deepest threat to the world is the US, in desperate and hideous selfish-motivated wrath, bombing the planet, and threatening nations on every continent with imminent violence, not for righteous protection of christianity (although i suspect a great deal of fundi-gelicals think that way), but for the economy. We kill people indiscriminantly in order to terrorize them into supporting our demands for their resources and support of our dollars.

The very same people who suggest, with all due justifications, that violently protesting the expression of free speech and press is wrong and an evil perpetrated by terrorists, never once consider that the US engages in this behavior as a nation each and every day, and has done so for decades. I guess it is okay as long as you are a citizen of this country.