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Friday, February 17, 2006

this week in history--raptus regaliter

The US Senate Republican leadership has signed on to completely support the imposition of the military-security state on the citizens of the US. They have conspired, openly and smugly, with the bushco administration, to quash investigations of the administation's unconstitutional and illegal activities as well as to increase these same unconstitutional and illegal actions with Senate approval. This week saw Pat "there is no christian theocratic dictatorship i don't like" Roberts singled handedly, on the advice and counsel of the criminally negligent dickhead Cheney, chose to ignore the warrantless spying activities, and to suggest that everything is just fine with removing any and all US Constitutional impediments to forming the dictatorship. The GOP Senate has gone further in choosing to prolong the Patriot Act. The GOP Senate plans to approve more billions for war and take away billions from the poor, while giving away even more billions to the rich.

This week is the definitive moment, lost in the here and now, that in decades to come, especially outside the US, will be seen as the "little Eichmann" moment for the Senate republicans. I will pass on to my grandchildren the names of these criminals, and the "i told you so" references and sources that show how in just this one week in history, the future of the US was altered. Tipped toward a totalitarianism that will leave the Constitution in the dustbin of history, the rich, white, militarily-endowed, corporate elites take control of the US economy and US Senate forming the basis of a neo-feudal state free from civil liberties and civil rights. I will pass on to my great grandchildren the reasons why they aren't citizens of the US, but rather of other american nations.

Just a note to say i told you so. I told you it was coming, and i am telling you it is here, and all the hope and faith that citizens once had for this country is gone. Shame on Cheney, Shame on Roberts, Shame on Frist, Shame on Stevens, Shame on Gonzales, Shame on Rice, Shame on Bush, but most of all Shame on all of those that support this atrocity.